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Wing has various value types including strings, integers, floats, booleans, etc. Here are a few basic examples.

  • Strings, which can be added together with +
  • Integers and floats
  • Booleans, with boolean operators as you'd expect

// var delcares a varaible. Wing infers the type
let a = "initial";

// type can also be declared
let b: num = 1;
let c: num = 2;
log("{b}, {c}");

// variables cannot be changed using let without var
let d: str = "Hello";
// d = "Test"; // error: Variable is not reassignable

// makes variable mutable
let var s = "hello";
s = "hello world"; // compiles

Wing console output
# Run locally with wing console
wing it

1, 2
hello world